NUS AS8 (Admin)
- S.Arch 2017: Best Completed Project, Category Office Building
- Singapore Design Award, Spatial Category, Platinum Award 2017
- DESEA (Design and Engineering Safety Excellence Award) 2017
- Green Mark Platinum Award

The new Administration Block (AS8) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is designed as a student-centric hub that elevates NUS’ image as an attractive campus situated in an Asian culture. The building comprises a double-volume foyer plus mezzanine at the 1st level, and six floors of teaching facilities and administration offices.

Embracing key principles of tropical vernacular architecture and passive design concepts, the building plays with the flexibility of blocks; volumes are pulled, others are pushed back or subtracted, to create pockets of landscape and courtyards open to the sky.

A veranda concept in the form of naturally ventilated corridors that connect between air-conditioned spaces contributes to substantial energy saving.
As well as social and recreational spaces for students and staff alike, the green surfaces are the figurative lungs of the building, reminiscent of a cool forest clearing, with daylight filtering through the curtain-wall fins, evocative of tree canopies.